damian wayne birthday month

[82] Together, they form the Super Sons. He encouraged Robin's darker side and tried to take him as an apprentice. They were both targeted by a super-villain named Nobody. [49], Robin and a group of other ex-Titans later head to Titans Tower to help the team during a battle against Superboy-Prime and the Legion of Doom. Following the "Flashpoint" story arc, Bruce Wayne was returned by writers as being the only Batman in 2011's the New 52 relaunch of DC Comics. [24] In the Elliot S! Despite his bravery and refusal to give up, Damian was impaled through the chest and killed. Damian then begins to mock Tim Drake for not being chosen as Robin, causing Tim to severely beat Damian, only to be stopped by Dick. Dick Grayson . -Talia al Ghul to Batman. Tim Drake. Sasha, now dubbed Scarlet by Todd, returns and attacks Robin, as Jason attacks Dick, the two duos battle it out until the arrival of the Flamingo, who temporarily paralyzes Damian. The investigation leads to Gotham Zoo where Damian is captured by Joker. This is discovered by Oracle, who ejects the girl and takes control of the Batmobile, intent on taking Damian home. How could you not? One of Darkseid's minions stole his body and took him to Apokolips, and Batman, determined to revive his son, followed. [73] This new team faces initial difficulties because of Red Arrow's criticism and the individualistic tendencies of several members. Tucker, James, director. As of age 13, Damian was short for his age and had few other markers of impending puberty. [60] But Talia is killed following the duel by Kathy Webb, and it is later revealed that Damian's body was stolen from the Manor cemetery by the League of Assassins along with Talia's for plans against Batman in addition to making their resurrections. Named after the Shakespeare character, Titus is Damian Wayne's pet, a Great Dane, given to him by his father, Bruce. After a meeting with his mother Talia, he discovers that it is a warning from his cousin Mara al Ghul, who has chosen him as her prey as part of an initiation ritual that she must undertake to properly join the League of Assassins. I'm light-years ahead of all the past Robins in skill and training. Morrison, Grant. Batman forbade Robin to go crime-fighting for a week while Superboy was forced to do his chores without using his superpowers. Morrison, Grant. And their genetically perfect child We'll found a dynasty that will rule the planet for a thousand years. "It's true that I was gestated in a laboratory. At this, Tim realizes that Damian is indeed Bruce's son, and exclaims "The son of Satan is my brother?"[29]. Damian chooses to leave the team upon Drake's return, reasoning that the Teen Titans do not need two Robins, and realizing that his teammates prefer to work with Tim. 18 followers. Batman And Robin. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Teen Titans members" category. . [8] When Batman discovered their location, he beat Nobody mercilessly and came close to killing him, but stopped when he realized Damian was watching the fight. Damian berates Black bat and mocks her for being sent to Hong Kong by his father, but she ultimately saves his life by rescuing him from the exploding Iceberg Lounge. Grant Morrison on Why Damian Wayne Had to Die - IGN Bruce returns to Gotham in 2004 (Detective Comics #0). story arc in Batman #675, Damian senses that someone is out to get Batman. He works as a double agent for Batman in Luthor's organization, and thus aligned with his father instead of his maternal grandfather. [40], After Grayson's confidant, Oberon Sexton is revealed to be the Joker in disguise, Damian tortures the villain by savagely beating him with a crowbar to get information, considering it to be self-defense since the Joker planned to attack him. [64] The resurrections fail, leaving Ra's to realize his arrogance for allowing the Heretic to kill his grandson and regret allowing Talia to clone Damian. He was trained since birth by the League but was later forced to flee with his mother to Gotham City after his grandfather was . It is not directly revealed what was in the note, but it makes Superboy realize that wherever Damian is, they won't find him. Angered, Batman once again vows to retrieve his son's corpse. Damian, as a preadolescent, was left by his mother in the care of his father, who had been unaware of his existence. Nevertheless, Grayson would be awarded for redeeming Damian. Ra's al Ghul, while in Talia's body, to Bruce Wayne. [52] However, despite Bruce's attempts to build a relationship with his son, Damian remains distant from his father, which Alfred worries about. The two are stopped by Dick Grayson as Batman, who chastises them both for fighting in front of the theater where Batman was born. Damian Wayne is the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. [45] Robin eventually begins to develop a friendship with Ravager, who initially reaches out to Damian due to their similar upbringings (Ravager's father being the notorious assassin, Deathstroke). He is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul,[3][4][5][6] and thus the grandson of Batman villain Ra's al Ghul and the potential inheritor of Wayne Enterprises. Ace has appeared in every issue of Batman and Robin. Joker accuses Damian and the other members of Batman's family of being a burden that prevents Batman from being the best foe for Joker. Ra's captures the two and tells Batman that he will use one of them for his own body. The son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, Damian Wayne was born to a life of adventure, but he struggles daily against the lesser angels of his nature. He retains his old black and yellow cape and green domino mask. During a case in which Gizmo nearly detonates a nuclear device, Robin uses the ring to which Djinn is bound to grant her the use of her full powers to avert the crisis, and returns it afterwards, refusing to assume mastery over her. [44] Although Wonder Girl objects to this decision, Grayson convinces her to let Damian stay on the team as he needs Damian to learn that he can trust others not to betray him, only for his temper to jeopardize his first mission with the team when he attacks an opponent just after Raven had convinced him to calm down, provoking their new foe into starting his wave of destruction again. ", "WowThx guys!More than 1 of you(Across all my social media) suggested BOYZARRO should be his name.I LOVE IT!The fans", "DC Universe's 'Harley Quinn' Starring Kaley Cuoco Eyes New Perspectives on Familiar Caped Crusaders TCA", "Roll Call: Meet the Cast of Justice League vs. Batman agreed and granted Damian the mantle of Robin, his fourth ward to use the name. Alfred Pennyworth got him a cat to take care of, who he also named Alfred. When is damian wayne's birthday? Explained by FAQ Blog [50] During the battle, Robin destroys one of Prime's evil Superboy doppelgngers by using a Kryptonite blade.[51]. He was the optimum man You and your detective will yield the ultimate child. [70] With help from the Justice League, Batman discovers that Damian's new powers do not last, and he eventually relies on his natural abilities once more. [17] He flew his exo-skeleton into the center of the battle, where Leviathan had taken over Wayne Tower. [25] Thanks to the arrival of Lex Luthor and aid from Reggie's super-powered sister Sara, Kid Amazo was taken down. [4] Bruce bought Damian a dog named Titus. In an act of defiance, Damian decides to make the Robin mantle independent from that of Batman and decides to stop Dr. Phosphorus from breaking into Project Cadmus, but fails miserably and is saved by Dick. Batman and Ra's go in search of the fountain, leaving Tim, Damian, Nightwing, Alfred, and Talia to battle the Sensei. [deleted] 2 yr. ago Probably his 14 year old birthday. Damian decided to collect the other Demon's Fist members' targets in order to form the new Teen Titans; comprised of Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven and Kid Flash. Spoilers ahead for Robin #5 Damian possessed superpowers similar to that of Superman following his resurrection, though this was short-lived. Freeze's gun. He is violent, self-important, and was trained by the League of Assassins, learning to kill at a young age, which troubles the relationship with his father who refuses to kill. Eventually, when Talia deemed that Damian was ready, she allowed him to go to Gotham and meet his father - the Batman. Nobody swore that he would return and kill their friends, so Damian killed him with a move Nobody had taught him. [18], After various trials and tribulations involving his corpse, mainly revolving around Ra's al Ghul and Apokolips, Batman managed to rescue his son's body and, through using the Omega Sanction infused within a Chaos Crystal shard, brought Damian back to life within the Batcave.[19]. After Bruce Wayne helps Dick and Damian defeat the Black Glove and the Joker, Wayne accepts his son in addition to his role as Robin. Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. Since Talia is the daughter of Ras al Ghul, the leader of the League of Assassins and one of the Dark Knight's greatest enemies, there have always been tensions between her and Batman, despite their romantic feelings for one another. Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. "There is no Child in the world like Damian Wayne" -Batman/Bruce Wayne[src] Damian Wayne is the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul and the grandson of Ra's al Ghul, the founder and former leader of the League of Assassins. Though the two were originally contentious of one another, they bonded closely, forming a brotherly relationship. Although misguided, Damian seems to genuinely want to aid Bruce's war on crime as he is Bruce's son and wants his approval. When Elliot asked why Damian is visiting him behind the Bat-family's back, Damian shrugs it off as a desire to keep Elliot company. Damian Wayne's new look has been shown off in the new Robin series launching from DC Comics Infinite Frontier in May. Nightwing Explains Why Damian Wayne is The One Unique Robin - ScreenRant It differs greatly from most Robin suits. He is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul,and thus, the grandson of Batman villain Ra's al Ghul, the great grandson of Sensei and the nephew of Nyssa Raatko. Damian Wayne is the fifth character to assume the role of Robin, Batman's vigilante partner. During this time, Damian was raised by Talia and trained by the League of Assassins; Damian became a skilled assassin by an early age. Due to the extreme training from his mother and grandfather has, Damian has the skills and stealth of that of an extremely trained assassin. The two young adults fell for each other and, after a brief fling, they conceived a child. After Tim leaves, Damian starts engaging in chess games with Hush, visiting him secretly against Dick's orders. Robin: Damian Wayne's Birthday Party Was Invaded by DC Gods Damian and Alfred race to aid Batman against the Black Glove in a commandeered Batmobile. [13] This allowed him to team up with Jason Todd, who was using the Wingman identity. They too had chosen targets that they must hunt down in order to ascend to the League. Before he can effectively relay his news, he is attacked by Tim, who perceives Damian's attempt to help a tripping Alfred as an attack, and renews their battle. Its not often that something takes Batman by surprise. Damian Wayne is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly in association with Batman. Damian's birth was a bit messy, and so is his claim to the Wayne Dynasty. He had also stolen the Amazo Armor from LexCorp and had planned to use it and the abilities of the Super Sons to lure the Justice League into a trap. He particularly clashes with Tim Drake, who he wants to replace as. -- Damian Wayne (Prime Earth) I'm not like Tim, or Jason, or even Dick. He also has been trained in numerous weapons as shown in the Blackest Night event. This character has been a member of the Justice League of America, or the Justice League in any of its various incarnations, sworn by a duty to act as guardians of America and the world by using their skills and/or superpowers to protect Earth from the clutches of both interstellar and domestic threats.This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Justice League of America members" category. [53] Unwilling to kill his father, Damian chooses death, but the Joker kills Batman before he can deal a fatal blow. Bruce Wayne was first born on April 7, in his early debuts back in the 1930s. How well do you know Damian Wayne? - Test | Quotev In the aftermath, Damian is tested by Batman on how to control his new power abilities before Damian returns to the role as Robin. Goodbye, Batman: Damian Wayne forges his own path with new Robin [38], Talia begins to clone Damian as she realizes that her son has completely sided with Dick Grayson and the Bat-Family. I'm not like Tim, or Jason, or even Dick. A Bizarro counterpart of Robin, named Robzarro, first appeared in the four-part story "Boyzarro Re-Death". It has also been shown that Ra's al Ghul has begun to engineer more clones of Damian. Everything you need to know about Batman's Robin, Damian Wayne It has yet to be seen if he will become "Bat-Hound", but Bruce has implied he puts police dogs to . Damian Wayne succeeds Drake as Robin in the 2009 story arc "Battle for the . [57][58] Damian's absence has also been causing a conflict between his father and his acting instructor, Carrie Kelley, who is determined to find out what has happened to him, leading her to realize that the Waynes are harboring a secret. [14] Bruce revealed that he has seen Damian's future, as told through "Batman in Bethlehem". Damian decides to collect the other Demon's Fist's targets to form the new Teen Titans; this includes Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven and Kid Flash. [90], This incident has deeply hurt both Damian and his mother, Talia, who had to watch her father get murdered even though he finally made the right choice for the first time in his life and was willing to turn a new leaf for his family's sake. Over the course of his more than eight decades of serving the people of Gotham, Bruce Wayne has adopted many young men into not only his battle against the villains of Gotham but also . While searching for a tree for Christmas,[20] Jonathan Samuel Kent accidentally torched some woodlands near a swamp in Hamilton. Happy 13th Birthday, Damian Wayne :) Bunny Cherry. Damian has declared himself a vegetarian. Because of the deaths of his parents at Ra's's hands, Tallant has completed following his father's tragic path as Batman. Although this relationship is further strained when Damian seemingly leaves Wayne Manor to join the villain Nobody, it turns out this was a ruse by Damian to bring down Nobody. 3. In terms of the movies in the Nolanverse Batman Begins depicts Bruce's 30th birthday. [37] Dick and Tim send Damian with the Gordons to their underground base while they battle the Black Lanterns. Damian Wayne | Batman Wiki | Fandom Upon returning to Gotham, Damian tells Dick that even though he had been brought to the Titans to find friends, he did not need to, as he already had one, Grayson himself. R. Rachel Webb. He ends up captured by Ra's and is nearly killed. 4 #16. However their lack of teamwork and animosity toward each other caused them to fail every challenge. On his 13th birthday Damian was sent a package by his grandfather Ra's al Ghul, which contained a dead robin. Dick notes that his name is not on the list and Tim asserts it is because Dick is the only one who Tim trusts implicitly. Batman: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Damian Wayne - CBR -- Damian Wayne (Prime Earth) This is the second time you've run from me. I would have thought he'd call it a stupid and useless past time. [9], Though deeply shaken by the killing, Bruce reacted with compassion rather than anger. Near the end of the episode. Batman then arrives, having learned of his son's actions, declaring that the Teen Titans are finished. Damian Wayne - Born To The Purple In Infinite Frontier? During the tournament, he discovers that the host of the tournament is his paternal great grandmother, Ruh al Ghul, who was imprisoned on this island by her son, Ra's al Ghul. He was eventually recruited by Rip Hunter to try to stop a madman named Gog from altering his history. Bruce was unaware of the child's conception and returned to crime fighting for years. A dark king for a new age." However, Batman explains that the temporary defeat of the League will not stop a larger force to attack later and destroy the city, so he came to the extreme decision that the only solution possible is for Damian to return to his mother, a decision that caused an emotional reaction on Damian like never before. [78] When the other Titans find out, and when Red Arrow kills Deathstroke,[79] conflict erupts within the team until Lobo, looking for Crush, crashes in. Despite their differences, they played ball with Titus and began to enjoy spending more time together as father and son. His teammates are also unaware that he is working with Jason Todd, who goes by the alias Outlaw. However, due to Damian's snide remarks and goading, Jon lost his temper and another brawl broke out between them. [76] Due to a miscommunication, Damian can no longer trust him, which ultimately leads them to cut ties. He is raised by his mother Talia al Ghul and the League of Assassins. As Damian and Batman embrace, Batman collapses from exhaustion. Damian Wayne, also known as Damian al Ghul (Arabic: ), is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, created by Grant Morrison and Andy Kubert, commonly in association with Batman. Priest, Christopher. [25] However, Batman and Talia's tryst was later shown as consensual in Peter J. Tomasi's Batman and Robin, thus the circumstances of Damian's conception can vary depending on the writers.[26][27]. Biography: (Written by Oracle) [] Damian Wayne: 2001 - 2015 []. This resulted in another argument and a short fight, before Alfred arrived. While the Pre-Flashpoint Damian did not meet his mother until he was eight. He carried a pair of brass knuckles, which he incorporated as part of this costume, and would also carry a sword. They later encounter Darkseid's elite member Glorious Godfrey, setting in motion the Robin Rises story arc. The team returned in The Adventures of the Super-Sons, where they spend their summer pursuing justice against Rex Luthor, an alien child who imitates Lex Luthor and attempts to assemble his own team of child-villains modeled after famous Earth ones. Morrison, Grant. But against his father's wishes, he escapes, donning a new costume under the name of Redbird.[54]. The only occupant of the ambulance was the Joker. The solicitation for Truth and Justice mentions a birthday party for him, but all of that is irrevelant because the story is out of continuity. [48] Afterwards, the two work together to stop the bomber from destroying a massive bridge, saving dozens of lives in the process. This was also put down quickly as Batman and Superman looked down on them in furious silence.[21]. Talia on the other hand, taking advantage of the hero's impressive genes, believed their child to be a perfect heir. He dies an absolute hero".[55][56]. Talia fixes Damian's spine but puts in a monitor connected to his brain allowing her to control his every movement. During the "Leviathan" story arc, when his mother Talia puts a price on his head and is targeted by the most dangerous and skilled assassins, Bruce faked Damian's death and secluded him in the Batcave to protect him while he goes undercover to confront Talia and her minions. Damian - 13 Gordon - 57 Alfred - 70 This makes more sense to me as the new canon ages, and is very similar to the Pre-Flashpoint storyline, which it seems DC Rebirth is trying to do. During the fight, Kalibak beats the team nearly to death, when suddenly Damian knocks out Kalibak with a powerful uppercut; discovering that due to the Chaos Shard he has gained superhuman abilities. Batman offers his own body instead. In the Elseworlds story, The Brotherhood of the Bat (1995), a version named Tallant Wayne appears, who crusades against his grandfather Ra's al Ghul. Damien Wayne Wayne Kostyal: Billed height: 6 ft 1 in (1.85 m) Billed weight: 220 lb (100 kg) Billed from: Hampton, Virginia: Trained by: Phil Brown Preston Quinn Tully Blanchard: Debut: August 10, 2002: Damien Wayne Kostyal (born December 18, 1971), better known by his ring name Damien Wayne, is an American professional wrestler. This makes him an heir to the world's greatest crime-fighter, and its greatest super-villain Ra's al Ghul. Damian pursues Deathstroke and attempts to kill him, but the Titans again intervene. This makes him an heir to the world's greatest crime-fighter, and its greatest super-villain Ra's al Ghul. Alfred? Pets he has owned include. Ra's even sent the clone to murder his own daughter. Batman - The Untimely Death Of Damian Wayne - WhatCulture.com This troubles his relationship with Batman, who vows never to kill. This earns him Djinn's trust, which gradually begins to turn into a mutual romantic attraction. That I was groomed to be a new body for my grandfather so that he may sidestep death and continue his mission to reduce the swollen population of the Earth." [22] At this point, Alfred declared them to be the Super Sons. How old is Starfire? However, Damian's badly injured body requires transplants of harvested organs, which his mother orders her physicians to carry out. Batman Arkham. Bruce tried teaching Damian, still a cold-hearted assassin, about the sanctity of life, but had trouble relating with his son. From - Nightwing Vol. Damian finally stands up for his Robin mantle, telling Talia that being Robin was the best thing that he had ever done, and Talia does not need to save him from something he chooses to be. I know you've been searching for ways to survive when the Lazarus Pits run dry." DC Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. [69], However, before the team can celebrate, the Boom Tube used to return to Earth was not closed and Darkseid's son Kalibak arrives and attacks the team. ", "DC Comics & Deathstroke Inc. #8 Spoilers & Review: Why Does Batman Pick a Side He Doesn't Want to in Shadow War Part 3?! Dick and Damian take the entire army down and begin to form a brotherly relationship. He may be the most violent Robin, but even Damian Wayne has moments of humanity that shine . "Your brain waves will be purged as mine are implanted in their place. At the height of his anger and frustration, Damian rips the Robin insignia off his chest and gives it to Batman. In the past year, Damian Wayne has been through a lot - witnessing Alfred Pennyworth's death . Damian Wayne (Prime Earth) | DC Database | Fandom He seemed to always be eager to take on the Joker and repeatedly assumes that bad things happening in Gotham are related to the Joker in some way, in hopeful anticipation of an encounter with him. Batman is also unwilling to accept his son's death, and begins seeking the means to resurrect Damian at the cost of his relationships with his friends and allies, and keeps his death a secret from the public in anticipation that his resurrection would succeed. Trained by the League of Assassins all his life, Damian joined his father's side in the war against crime by becoming the fifth Robin. Ra's to Talia. Tim, suspicious of Damian's intentions, does not believe his story and begins a fistfight. Morrison, Grant. Writer Joshua Williamson prepares to pit Damian Wayne against DC's deadliest warriors in Robin #1. Nearly a month ago, the world said goodbye to Damian Wayne - son of Batman and the latest character to hold the mantle of Robin. DCComics.com: Welcome to the Official Site for DC. Damian Wayne | The New 52 Batman Wiki | Fandom Damian became the fifth Robin, working alongside his father as Batman. [46] Tim Drake eventually comes to the Titans for help after a robotic duplicate of the Calculator attempts to murder his close friend, Tam Fox, and decides to rejoin the team once the mission is completed. I'd say like 6'6", 260+. Mother Wayne decided to create an evil, adult clone of Damian named The Heretic, designed to kill Bruce Wayne. [39], During a confrontation with a returned minor villain the Getaway Genius, Damian is initially angry that Grayson failed to capture the foe as well as the implication that his father failed as well during the Genius' original run back when Grayson was Robin but when Dick explains to him that Bruce let the Genius go because he discovered that the Genius' robberies were only him stealing medicines that he needed so that he could live long enough to see his daughter grow up, Damian realizes that he never really knew his father as a person, and admits that there was more to him than Batman. Dick is probably the most normally built person in the Bat-Fam. In the New 52, Damian won the right to learn of his father's identity when he finally bested his mother in combat on his 10th birthday, and this canon age for him seems to be a holdover from Morrison's introduction of Damian Wayne.In 2010's Batgirl Volume 3 #7, Morrison's Damian is fighting alongside Stephanie Brown as Batgirl and he is, of course, being a total brat to her in the field.

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damian wayne birthday month