stefan salvatore kill count

One point for Matt. Stefan explained to Tyler that Elena had to be sacrificed to break the curse and Tyler released him. At first he thinks that she's Katherine but than when he kisses her (as he is indeed romantically involve with Katherine) he understands that this is Elena so he takes her away. He was in the car with his sister Elena. When they arrived, Elena took a few moments and went into the house, leaving Stefan outside. Caroline and Stefan are downstairs and Bonnie is gone because they made Matt take her away as they thought it would be best. After Stefan interrupts the plan, which results in Mikael's death, Klaus undoes his compulsion, and Stefan and Katherine leave. At school, Stefan and Elena endure harassment from Rebekah until Elena tries to retaliate: she throws a pencil forcefully at Rebekah, who catches it and throws it into Elena's chest. Valerie is trying to help him as he tells her his chest hurts. After Damon realizes Alaric is dead, it is revealed that Stefan ran out of time to save Elena and that she has died. Stefan visits Bonnie to ask her about the bullets. He says to Elena, "I love you, I will always love you." Stefan and Damon later join Elena in the woods, where she is digging a grave for Connor's body. Elena was smart enough to hide around the house while Brady searched for her. In American Gothic, Stefan and Damon manage to track Damon's car that Elena and Rebekah stole from New York. In The Five, Stefan finds Damon in the living room unpacking boxes. Stefan tries to stage an intervention by showing her how to transfer her hunger into a socially acceptable pastime: drinking. Fortunately, Liz crossed the border just in time. She hands him the herbs and tells him not to worry because Shane won't be back any time soon, she has made sure of that. Stefan was forced to be locked into the very safe he had been trapped him to for three months in an attempt to face his PTSD problems, but it was to little effort and he soon began hallucinating that was drowning all over again. The younger Salvatore doesn't respond but instead says that he wanted Elena to find him when the safe find opened. Unable to move he has to lie on the ground together with a tied up Elena. Later on, Stefan, Damon and Tyler begin to desiccate Klaus' body with help from Bonnie. She adds that Stefan is at a kegger full of hot girls, and he's single and he should have some fun. In Ghost World, after Bonnie casts a spell revealing all of the ghosts, Lexi appears. Word Count: 610. After this talk Elena goes upstairs and finally accepts that Jeremy is really dead so she tells Damon to bring his corpse down to the living room. Caroline is surprised and then Jesse arrives. They discuss recent events, acknowledging that now they all know about the cure and will have to work together going forward. At the rave, Stefan offers Caroline a shot. Then, they are tied to chairs by people compelled by Enzo, who has threatened Liv with killing her brother. Then Enzo lets some gasoline from a car spill on the floor, because he plans to set Stefan on fire, Stefan tells to him that Damon saw something good in him, Enzo asks if he also sees that but Stefan tells him he doesn't now that Enzo has his emotions off. "New plan. Stefan was his father Giuseppe's favorite son. He falls to his knees. Stefan keeps trying to explain that he was in the exact same situation and she didn't accept the way he was when his emotions were off. Stefan insists that they need more but, unfortunately, there is no more. Caroline is sitting by herself and she seems optimistic until Stefan tells her they need to talk. He then chants a spell making himself disappear. Damon decides that it's time to play "never have I ever", Elena does not agree but Caroline is enthusiastic about the idea and they begin to play. Damon thinks Stefan is the one who won't be able to handle him taking the cure, until Damon learns that this was all Elena's idea. Stefan says that Elena is ruthless without her humanity and the cure is the fastest way to get her back. In Crying Wolf, Stefan brought Elena to a lake house where Elena and her adoptive family used to go. When Damon told Elena what he was doing, they got into a fight. Over the century, Stefan came to believe his love for Katherine was never real and she had simply compelled him to love her. Stefan sits alone in front of the fire when Matt walks into the house. As Stefan and Damon leave New Orleans, Stefan tells him he doesn't think he will be able to let Elena go, as 'selflessness isn't a trait of his'. Stefan was also close with his mother, before she had died when he was 10 years old. The original brother then realizes that Elena is right and Katherine is really lying and using him. Stefan retorts 'I can only assume you took full advantage of that?' Caroline also says that it's crazy and they can't just kill 12 people and sure as hell can't invite every monster who has ever died back into their world. Stefan has been with Valerie romantically for three years, and it is stated that they have been happy together. While they wait they take room in hotel so they could shower, and Katherine flirts with him and then kisses him until Stefan breaks it, telling her that it is wrong, because she just broke up with Damon. After it is revealed that Alaric is going to let himself die, Stefan watches Elena break down and asks her to come with him. Stefan responds saying that he has been trying to fight off the "ripper" part of himself but that now that he has accepted it, it can't control him. [7] Stefan still carried his caring and kind interior as well, though on the outside he was somewhat more rude and less polite than before. Decades ago, Stefan's mother, asked Valerie to see how Stefan was doing after the mother's death, as a human. She flashes back to the day she became a vampire, when Matt's truck fell into the river under Wickery Bridge, Stefan suddenly cowers in pain. They slide in the school corridor while Matt is sneaking behind them so that he could put her down when Stefan gets the dagger. They arrive where the Travelers are doing the spell to awaken Markos, their leader, the Travelers drink the blood of Elena and Stefan and begin to burn alive, Stefan takes Caroline's hand and escape with their vampire speed. Before he ignites it, he grabs his journal. Stefan removing wooden bullets from Tyler's chest. Once Stefan died, Katherine returned to Stefan's body and let him know that she loves him. After he left Mexico, Stefan traveled to Chicago in 1922. He flashes back to the day he became a vampire, when he was shot in the gut and left for dead. Lexi found him back then and tried to help him. She says to them that Liv is trying to kill them. She tells him that she is going back to go through with the plan, but that will mean Damon's death. Damon agrees but as he hangs up the phone he turns around and sees Bonnie. After that Stefan and Damon talk on the phone and Damon explains what happened and Stefan tells him that he wasn't able to stop the massacre. In the novels, Stefan and Damon have never had a close relationship since their childhood. Valerie and Stefan's relationship started out complicated. She knows he has a plan, and warns him that Klaus is smart and will figure it out. Qetsiyah arrives and tells Damon, that she plans to use a spell to link Stefan and Silas so that she can strip Silas of his mind control. Stefan the goes out to Elena while Damon traps Katherine in the tomb. They exchanged their final, heartfelt goodbyes to one another. However, shortly after Stefan's breakup with Valerie, Stefan goes to Alaric and Caroline's home and sees that she is happy raising children with Alaric. As Stefan and Damon leave and walk in the woods Stefan says "I love her, Damon," and Damon says that he does as well. Him and Damon worry after Bonnie shows up with news of Alaric and it is revealed that Elena is missing. He'd felt it, too. Stefan has shown himself to be an experienced fighter, able to subdue his enemies easily. Stefan nods, leaving Elena to process what he had just said, she is about to ask but Stefan interrupts her and tells her that they kissed but he stopped her and that did not happen any more, then Stefan leaves. Later, the brothers are in the cellar and Stefan is shown to have bled Damon out because he didn't have vervain and needed to find a way to weaken him. Later Elena had a vision of Stefan walking her home after a movie. In the same moment Matt also comes and when he sees his friend dead he starts to cry. He informs her that the event was cancelled. Stefan's childhood and best friends during his human life were named Ethan Giffin, Brian Walsh and Matthew Harnett. Stefan tells her that he would have wanted a child. She describes the sensation, that it feels like he is touching every single nerve on her body. He wakes up as Elena comes inside his room and wakes him up. She's angry at Stefan for not feeding her more. He tells her that all of the scenarios she is coming up with are being shot down. Stefan takes away all the blood and gore of the scene, and all the bodies and then leads her to a crib, with a crying baby in it. Now Stefan sits on the same bench when Valerie approaches and sits down next to him. Stefan admits he's hurt that Elena has not been truthful with him, and Elena defends herself by saying that she didn't want to ruin Stefan's good mood. He asks her if she had fed on the cheerleader and she says that maybe she had. He is the younger brother of Damon Salvatore and the main love interest of Elena Gilbert. He wakes up Damon from his sleep with a few drops of blood and they are soon dodging wooden arrows and bullets from an unknown assailant. Stefan comforts her and tells her, "You have me. Trying to end the excruciating pain, Colin repeatedly stabs himself with a metal rod. Not taking any chances, Giuseppe tries to stake and kill Stefan. Damon admits that he didn't do anything to stop Rebekah but he thought that if she takes it all of his problems go away and then when she really took it he realized how badly he screwed up. Damon begins to speak loudly waiting for Enzo's reply, Enzo is looking at them as a ghost, Caroline says that it doesn't make any sense because if Enzo wanted to kill Elena, drowning her wouldn't have worked, Enzo tells that she is smart and he see why they like her so much. With Rebekah's help, Stefan brutally kills a guard by cracking his head open against the bars. Finally, Stefan snaps his neck. And Stefan says that it was their thing. Abruptly Stefan tells Damon that he and Elena broke up. Rayna had Damon and Caroline taken and wants to know which person brought him out of hiding. He was about to be taken by a deputy, but Alaric and Elena came when Stefan was spotted, Alaric sent the deputy to towards another vampire instead of Stefan, saving his life. Because of this, Damon has referred to Stefan as a "pack rat". When Stefan returned home to Mystic Falls after many years, he unexpectedly "met" Elena on May 23, 2009, after he heard Elena and her parents' car accident while he was out at Wickery Bridge. They hide when two young men walk out of Tripp's vampire torture shed. Since then, Stefan has been taking care of Caroline like her mentor, helping her to be a good vampire. His head rolls off, revealing a satiated Stefan behind him. She also tells Stefan she kissed Liam, which he advises her not to tell Stefan as he would be heartbroken. When Stefan and Elena arrive at the party, it seems that most of the school is already there. She seems disappointed that after everything, Stefan still protects Elena and offers to take every memory of Elena away. She tries to attack Meredith but Stefan holds her tight. He and Elena arrived just in time to stop Damon from killing Caroline. Deceased (Found Peace on March 8, 2018) Lily stabs Stefan in the hand and snacks on the waiter. Elena is confused and asks him how does he remember this. He is interrupted by Klaus, who contacts him from Italy to tell him that Connor has escaped and stolen werewolf venom from the hybrid guarding him. Stefan played the position of wide receiver on the high school football team, both on the show and in the novels. Then Enzo slams the door shut and stakes Stefan from behind with a pole. After believing that his system works and he is okay, Elena says good-bye to Stefan. Damon arrives telling that Elena just told to him the truth. He tries to convince Sarah that she can do much better and after Matt tells Sarah who he is they get into an argument. She is still suspicious, so he dangles the offer to talk Matt into giving her another chance, and finally Rebekah gives in. Stefan then helps Caroline turn hers back on by showing her one of his last memories with her mother. Stefan confronts him about it and Damon explains that he brought the blood bag for Elena, and they argue again about what is best for Elena. It almost worked, but then Caroline realized what he was trying to do and told Stefan that he'd crossed the line. He and Damon showed up for a funeral of a family member and Damon later convinces Stefan to start drinking human blood again. In All My Children, Elena calls Stefan but he declines to answer, an emotionally pained expression on his face. Stefan guesses that the tattoo is the puzzle, and Klaus elaborates that the tattoo is a map that will lead them to the treasure. Deciding not to spend any time with her while she was ill, he instead did whatever he could do to avoid her, such as walking into Mystic Falls and getting the tea she liked or picking out her favorite flowers. Stefan said it was like this because his emotions were off and Klaus says that this is the reason why he was more fun. Damon swore to avenge all of Stefan's murders. She tells them that in a tree stump, they should find a dagger. He then told Elena about Samantha Gilbert and says if the same thing is happening to Alaric then there is nothing she can do about it. Damon reminds him again that he doesn't want to be saved and Damon tells them that he plans to find Wes and that Enzo has Jeremy as hostage and that if Bonnie doesn't help him to get a witch, Enzo will kill to Jeremy. She tells him to prove that he's ok by showing his moving on system and if it works then she will let him go, otherwise she'll subject him to "Enzo-sized" harassment. Qetsiyah begins to make a daylight ring for Stefan and tells him of how at the planned wedding of hers and Silas, everything started dying, she realized that Silas was drinking the immortality drink along with another. Bonnie tagged along to keep Damon in check. She realizes he never listened to all the messages she left him. He tells Stefan he's no brother to Damon. Stefan, unlike many other vampires, has shown the ability to resist the effects of compulsion when it comes to matters regarding Elena Gilbert, much like his brother. By Caroline, Stefan also learned that Elena had had sex with Damon. "I had to do that, for Enzo. The elder Salvatore says that Elena won't survive this-he tells Stefan to get her and go back home while he tries to find Bonnie. The car comes to a screeching halt. Stefan wants to know what's in it for him, but Klaus merely says to trust him when he says that Connor holds the answer to all of Stefan's prayers. Stefan adds that it's better for Elena if Damon stays locked up, until they find the cure and she's not sired anymore-then they could both do whatever the hell they want. He adds that she's better than this and Elena says that she doesn't know and maybe this is the better version of her. They agree to figure it out once the Huntress thing is over. Stefan loves literature and loves to write, especially in his journal. They talk a lot and Damon says that if Rebekah takes the cure they could kill her right there, but Stefan reminds him that in this case Elena will stay a vampire forever. Elena explains that Kol compelled Damon to kill Jeremy because the original doesn't want them to wake Silas and they are in the tunnels and she can't seem to find them so she needs help. Caroline is desperate to hear screaming Stefan and she begs to him to say something to her and finally he gives her Hazel's address and describes her. Stefan Salvatore is seventeen years old in 1864. The remorseless man choked on his own blood as he clawed at his neck in an attempt to stem the flow. The girl, Bridget, was healed by the little blood Stefan could spare and her father insisted on giving Stefan room in his household, even though Stefan appeared to be a vagrant. Stefan possessed all the standard powers and abilities of a non-Original vampire. She responds that she's done cheering so she'll change. Stefan had called Tyler and told him to call Caroline and warn her. He then confessed to Stefan that he was the one who had shot and killed both him and Damon, shocking Stefan. In the evening, the gang is playing charade and team Stefan and Elena are beating team Damon and Caroline. Stefan tells Elena that he wishes that he could promise that everything would be okay, that he could save her from craving blood and a heightened sense of pain, but unfortunately, being a vampire will be all those things. Stefan reveals that he stopped drinking human blood since the night he threatened to drive Elena off of Wickery Bridge. Later on, Damon reveals to Stefan that Klaus is dead and they both seem very sad. Gloria later says that what she saw in her vision bothered her, that the girls she saw were talking about him. In the books, Stefan's mother died a few years after Stefan was born, but on the show, Stefan's mother died when he was about 9 or 10. Since he turned in 1864, Stefan had always had trouble controlling his blood lust, that has often become a major problem for him throughout the course of his immortal life. He has a great relationship with his older brother, Damon Salvatore, and gets along with their father, Giuseppe Salvatore. Stefan eventually met Rebekah's older half-brother, Nik. When Caroline asks what is happening between Elena and Stefan, he tells her that maybe this car trip would be good way to find out how Elena truly feels. They open it to find a dead body of a man inside meaning Stefan is out and is hungry. After Elena has freed Elijah from the dagger, Stefan respects her wishes and lets her try to talk with him alone and soon after is seen protecting Jenna from Klaus who is still in Alaric body. Stefan, a vampire, ironically completed the Brotherhood of the Five's mission by killing Silas. In the meantime the witches are trying to help Bonnie not knowing that her secret plan is to try to kill them. Significant kills Stefanie Salvatore is the heretic daughter of Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert, as well the younger twin sister of Stefan Salvatore. Valerie is driving but is stopped by Damon. Then Stefan chains Damon and vervains him to weaken him, and when Damon wakes he tells him that he shouldn't have told him to leave and that he will never give up on him. Tyler comes in to announce the problem of the week. After making viewers think Damon ( Ian Somerhalder) compelled Stefan ( Paul Wesley) into letting the eldest Salvatore sacrifice himself to save Mystic Falls, "I Was Feeling Epic" delivered the . The Vampire Diaries presents Stefan Salvatore as virtuous, so it's fair to question why he became a bloodthirsty Ripper vampire once turned. The subject then switches to Damon and Stefan tells Elena that Damon needs to figure out that she can look out for herself. He sees that it is Klaus and is greeted by him. He had a very selfless, idealistic approach to love. Inside the dorms, Stefan hurls a Molotov cocktail at Caroline and rushes at her with a stake. Stefan was able to sense Elena's mind long before he met her in person and he sensed her presence immediately after arriving in Fells Church. Elena and Jeremy's life, Stefan had to kill her. He tells her he needs to get a charger and he walks into a store buying some supplies. Damon is surprised and says that this is the reason why his little brother is the better boyfriend. He tells him he and Lily had a deal and that now she has Caroline. She promises to be careful, and they share a moment leaning forehead to forehead. Humans don't stand a chance against a vampire. Damon assures him he's back. In The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You. He tells Elena that the best thing for them to do is to go to their graduation and with Jeremy thinking the same thing, they go to their graduation. They manage to find their car but Elena and Rebekah are nowhere to be seen. Katherine teases Rebekah by saying that she doesn't understand why she wants the cure, because when she turns back to being human all her enemies will come looking for her and will want vengeance. Later, Stefan and Caroline are sleeping cuddled, Stefan taking her hand, they wake up to hear strange voices and they out of the car. Damon & Stefan use Aaron as a leverage to save Elena from Wes. Still, that doesn't bother Stefan, who menacingly suggests that they're going to play a drinking game - "truth or wolfsbane". Klaus also adds that him and Stefan work well together, or at least they did back in the twenties. Tyler takes Matt to Elena at the hospital, but Matt refuses her blood. Bonnie is talking with Enzo about their last hope lost, Bonnie looks behind Enzo and sees Stefan standing there, Enzo also turns around, but sees nothing, she says his name and Enzo is surprised by that, Bonnie can't believe what is happening and she approaches to Stefan's ghost, Stefan begs her to tell him that she has figured out a way to bring them all back but Bonnie tells him that she lost it, Stefan is sad for this and then he touches her shoulders and passes through her to the other side. Out of all the characters in The Vampire Diaries universe, Stefan has been most heavily featured. Stefan tells that the other side is falling apart and he think it's allowing Enzo to mess with them. One particular woman walks right over to Caroline and Stefan, she is Sloan. Stefan's car is a red 1963 Porsche 356B Karmann Coupe. Katherine offers that they should work together, yet Stefan still refuses. "why don't you get the hell out of my house. He attended Harvard during the 1970's. He had reacted calmly to being told he killed his own father, and showed no reaction being informed he had murdered Honoria Fell while walking past her gravestone. Damon initially had no desire to rekindle any brotherly relationship with Stefan, but Stefan convinced Damon to join him for a drink, saying he had missed him. She states that she doesn't understand why is he so concerned on whom does she feed or who she kills. Again, believing that he is drunk, the police officer arrests him and handcuffs him. Stefan leaves and goes to Damon who was surprised to see his brother. Stefan and Rebekah arrive at Klaus' mansion and she sees Connor chained up. The hunter shoots Tyler, and Stefan, Carol, Caroline and Elena go to check on him while the rest of the church becomes chaotic. Stefan wakes up and tries to stop Damon from going after Lily so that they could find Valerie. After they had flirty banter over the quality of her writing, they say their names at that moment a car almost hit to Stefan and wakes of his vision, all was a dream about an alternative life with Elena. When Katherine steps inside and cuts herself and makes Damon drink on her, Stefan interferes and cuts himself to distract Damon from feeding on Elena (Katherine) and snaps his neck. While they wait for Bonnie to tell them she stopped Matt's heart with magic, they talk and after they get word, Stefan takes the tunnels. Stefan falls unconscious. Stefan says, aloud, "Goodbye, Katherine" and Elena walks in and asks if she's gone. Stefan is with Nora as she is making her costume for the Whitmore party him and Caroline invited her and Mary Louise to as a distraction. He has to deal with and immortal named Silas. Caroline and Stefan are later waiting by an alley nearby the Grill and Stefan demands that Tyler stop or delay the plan to attack Klaus. Rebekah however hears them and crosses Katherine's path. Klaus then asks Stefan to talk some sense into his sister, but the younger Salvatore explains that he has to take care of Damon as he's still compelled to kill Jeremy. Later Caroline is in the Salvatore house, Stefan arrives and sits down to talk to her telling her that he had been looking for her everywhere, Caroline tells him that he is her friend and she need to hear what he really thinks about she and Klaus, but Stefan starts joking, making smile to Caroline, he also looks at her with a tender smile. In the novels, Stefan is Catholic and has a strong sense of faith, morals and values. Klaus started using mind compulsion on Stefan in The Reckoning, to get Stefan to obey to his orders and kill two students, Dana and Chad. Katherine gets rid from Vaughn for the moment. Stefan then calls Valerie and he tells her what road he is on.

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stefan salvatore kill count